Wednesday 30 December 2015

Vintage Kitchen

Back in Dublin's finest - The Vintage Kitchen

Crab and chili risotto starter for Aoife and me, San had the smoked fish chowder, mains of beef (fillet and pie), lamb shank and hake on mussels with white beans and caviar.
Desserts of cheese board, Limoncello cheesecake and chocolate pot, good long rests between (huge) courses, Aoife and I have espressos, we took 2 bottles of Ramon Bilboa, a couple of pints in Mulligan's beforehand.  As always staff were fantastic, attentive and helpful.  Need to book again soon!!!

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Lack of updates, busy and then Christmas

Wrote nothing for a couple of weeks, since Chicago, done very little in kitchen, other than standards, had a couple of pub meals out, nothing interesting, good or bad to mention and been very busty at work.

Christmas was very busy, 3 of our kids (1 pescatarian) over for several days plus one boyf for a night and my Mam for a week. Either driving to or from airport or making endless meals and / or drinks for the week.  

Fifteen in total for Christmas dinner, only 2 now children, so getting harder to get them around the tables but all went well

Smoked salmon and pate on soda bread

Roast turkey
Boiled Ham
Roast potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Sausage mash
Marrowfat peas (dried from a packet and steeped in bicarb and water overnight, then boiled)
Sprouts (quartered, boiled then tossed into frying smoked bacon before serving)
Gravy (using a Jamie recipe, that worked well before)

Cooked ham and gravy and prepped veg on Christmas Eve, put turkey in at 7:00am - all spot on for 3:30 dinner

Desserts from Paul, 2 great cheesecakes and an apple sponge from nieces.  Few bottles of good Oz wine from our last trip and Ciara

Spent Stephen's Day putting all the furniture back, driving the dish washer, hoovering and mopping the floors

Just booked Nerja and Malaga for mid-Jan, looks like Mozambique end of March and tonight back to the Vintage Kitchen, looking forward to all three and will try and update more....

Sunday 13 December 2015


Very quiet week, trying to get a bit of space in fridge and freezer for Christmas - about 15 for dinner, 1 maybe 2 veggies, lots of spuds etc.

Had Christmas lunch in Fallon & Byrne on Thursday, excellent Pate, good beef and mushroom pie and even a creme brulee, plenty of Tempranillo, went for a few in the Exchequer afterwards, Cute Hoor and more red, I did not hit the cocktails, but the smokey Old Fashioned was going down great guns.

Made a decent roast chicken for Saturday, parents-in-law here Sunday, made a beef cheek, carrot and pea stew and a chicken thigh, mushroom, cream, garlic and mustard stew.  Served with mash, went down well.  Made a couple of simple pancakes for them as dessert, served with butter, sugar and lemon juice - when you forget to buy any pudding, improvise, improvise, improvise.

This week at work will be uber-shite, bit of roast chicken and beef stew left, so that will do next two days.  Ciara back Wednesday, Excellent, Jack maybe Friday, Aoife Saturday, Mam Monday.  Gonna be busy!

Monday 7 December 2015


Quick weekend in Chicago, flew Thursday morning, food on plane not great, lack of seasoning or flavour, cheeseboard plastic crap.

Mediocre chicken wings (beer OK) in faux Irish pub connected to hotel, but too cold and tired to put any effort in.  Manager's canapés average and no drink!!!  Breakfast OK, but very sweet and stodgy, nothing savoury except Philadelphia - hmm

Day got better from there, tacos and quesadilla in the lovely Rocky Bottom with great beer as well.  PF Changs for dinner Lettuce wraps and ribs for starters, pepper beef to share for main.

Saturday, wings and fries in another old favourite Elephant and Castle, with good beer, evening San didn't feel like food, so went to Burger Bar for a burger and couple of pints, she just had a glass of pop and a few chips, I had a rare Big Shoulder Blues, really very good.  Food much better on flight home Sunday, couple of hours sleep, then into work, bit tired now, ragu from freezer, chicken curry from freezer tomorrow.  May be up to cooking by Wednesday, eating out Thursday, should be back on track by Friday.

Last holiday of the year over, really enjoyed it - sleep when you're dead!

Saturday 28 November 2015

Napalese and others

Meeting in Heathrow yesterday, remarkably good office food, chicken on sticks, nice cheese and hams, good sandwiches, crackers, pop, olives - Think it is the Spanish influence in the group.

Out for a meal last night - Sagarmatha Kitchen for the second time.
  Lovely food, Started with prawn fry for her an their take on a seek kebab for me, We both had lamb curries, San had Anapurna, I had Himalayan, my really hot, as I asked for, but not artificial or chemically, tasted long and slow.  Service was great. I  hope it survives, as there are now 4 (2 long standing) Indians in Swords now, so it will be tough.

Made a chorizo tortilla for breakfast, weather is grim and didn't fancy running over to JCs for sausages

Sunday 22 November 2015

scotch(ed) eggs, Dobbins and cooking

Chilli I made last week was very good, was listening to Radio 4's food program, all about scotch eggs, that I love and know the history, not Scottish, but scotched (i.e. changed) invented in the second poshest food shop in the world - Fortnum & Masons in London.  So had a graw to make some.

I made 2 one day and 3 more today.  Soft boiled egg, 6 minutes in boiling water, then straight into iced water, once cold, tapped the egg, the air gap is at the top, so tap there, use a teaspoon to ease shell off.  Mixed pork mince, blitzed chorizo, fresh thyme (no seasoning, because of chorizo) moulded around egg, drenched in flour, beaten egg then breadcrumbs, twice.  Rested in fridge, turned a couple of times to prevent flatspots. Deep fried in veg oil, very wasteful, as I don't have a deep fat fryer, but  reusing any fat except lard is really bad, which is wacky, but true!!

Made a good roast dinner yesterday, unfortunately beef was tasty but horribly chewy...

Saw a recipe for mini quiches, using Serrano (I used jamon) instead of pastry, mine look messy, will taste them tomorrow, spinach, cherry tomato and cheddar filling.  Cooked a few chicken thighs for lunches.  Lamb stew, garlic potatoes for in-laws and found a no churn strawberry ice cream in the freezer, that I'd made when I picked them at the allotment early summer.

On Thursday went to Dobbins in Dublin, guests of Threatscape and TrapX couple of pints first in the School House on the cana with friendsl.
At Dobbins, great wine, I had ham hock terrine, brioche (preferred the bread from basket), fantastic pork belly, with sublime crackling,  sticky toffee pudding and good espresso, great company and learned plenty of techie stuff

Sunday 15 November 2015

Good weekend

Last weekend, quite busy, leg of lamb, 2 chickens, kilo carrots, a cauliflower, a broccoli and a couple of kilos of potatoes.  Roast meat, roast and mashed potatoes, broccoli and cauli in white sauce with cheese, lamb and chicken gravy - fed 13, only scraps of chicken left and made stock from both lots of bones.

This weekend, stayed at Royal Marine in Dun Laoghaire on Friday night, ate at Rasam in Glasthule , definately the best Indian in Ireland.  Early bird, she had Aloo Tikka and Rustic Chicken I had calamari and mixed veg curry, as always came with rice, naan and spiced potatoes.  She loves the padadoms and sauces, me less so, but I like lots of heat and these are much more crowd pleasers.   House red (a Chilean Cab Sav) really lovely, food perfect quantity as well as quality.

Couple of glasses of wine in Forty Foot Wetherspoons on way back.  Swim and lovely full Irish breakfast Saturday morning.  Standard roast chicken Saturday night.  Made stock Sunday morning.

Out Sunday morning to RDS for Charity Bazaar, go every year, had a Slovakian sausage with great horseradish and mustard with rye bread, almost chorizo-like.  Won a bottle of very plain label German apple brandy, could be interesting.

Round to the main hall of RDS for Art Source, again, an annual event, bought another picture, our art walls are getting full!

Chilli tonight, just about to start, last one was crap and flavourless, need to concentrate more, left over chicken tomorrow and a meal out on Thursday

Monday 2 November 2015

Baba ganoush

Had the quiche I made on Saturday, with some baba ganoush - I had a couple of aubergines that were nearly gone, simple recipe, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, tahini, parsley and salt.  Aubergines had been roasted on high for about 40 minutes, scooped out when cool and mashed in - probably next time would roast the garlic as it was a bit strong.

Made a side salad of wild rocket, feta, cherry tomatoes, dry roasted a handful of pine nuts, dressed with EV olive oil and  lemon juice

Sunday 1 November 2015

Weekend Cooking

Wanted pizza, so need to make tex-mex chilli topping, so bought plenty of mince, also had a bit of quiche at a lunch this week (and had some shortcrust in the freezer for ever)

Made standard tex-mex chilli for pizza, roasted a red pepper on the ring, peel off the blackened skin and sliced.  Did tuna and roast red pepper on the second (mozzarella on both) and had some spicy chicken thighs I'd cooked in the week, so chopped that up, bit of jamon and feta with a bot of thyme on the third.

While I was cooking I used the rest of the beef to make a simple cottage pie - fried onion and celery, once sweated down added the mince then diced carrots, 3 bay leaves once all in, added beef stock, Worcestershire sauce, English mustard powder and then pressure cooked for 40 minutes, remember to remove bay leaves.  Added frozen peas in once cooled, but into ovenproof dishes.  Mashed potatoes then poncily piped it on top  - made 2 for 2 people and one small one and froze all three.

Quiche tin - blind baked the pastry, baking paper, pastry, baking paper, baking beans (actually ancient chick peas I've had for a least a decade) gas 4 for about 45 minutes, with a couple of slices of bacon on the top shelf to roast. mixed 4 eggs, single cream, thyme, splash of milk, salt and white pepper.  Chopped up bacon once cooked, a couple of spring onions and some Spanish queso.

Once the pastry was ready, take off beans and opt greaseproof, back in oven for 5 mins to dry it, put time on a flat tray pour in egg / cream mixture, drop in bacon, onions and cheese and bake until brown and solidified.  Took about 1/2 hour.  Had some for lunch with a homemade coleslaw

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Nerja and Malaga and a bit of a rant about self catering

From Seville train to Malaga and bus to Nerja just for the night, went to all our usual haunts, hit about 9 or 10 bars, Pepe Moles best food as always, great welcome in Rincon de Sabor and Los Barillas, like being at home, the three Spanish Troubadours played in Barillas along with the great cheese tapas made it a highpoint.

Back to Malaga the next morning, dropped bags off went for a stroll, bit of shopping and some great food.  Had nothing bad but as always  Cortido de Pepe was a highlight, surprisingly quiet and Tapas de Cervantes, possibly even better than it's usual "favourite tapas bar in the whole world" label - again a friendly welcome back from the owner and great recommendations.  Had a glass in La Tranca to finish - absolutely rammed, great atmosphere.

Self Catering - do this a lot, especially, Oz, Spain and USA, I love cooking and am happy to do it on my hols - however there should be a minimum set of things, some which I didn't get in Seville:

Pepper or chilli

oil of some sort, preferably olive
vinegar - unless citrus fruits grow abundantly

frying pan
couple of pans with lids
wooden spoon
reasonable sharp knife
chopping board

A few staples wouldn't go amiss - pasta, rice, tea, coffee

Most places I go to have most of these, but I to buy salt, a knife and oil last week, not expensive (all told less than €3) and I left them all for next visitor, but I think there should be an acceptable minimum

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Seville 2

Went out with Mr and Mr K lat night to Bodega on Alfalfa square, had a couple of bottles of Ramon Bilbao, surito, barenjas, solomillo, salmonitas loved it all, lads had massive G&Ts to start, then a couple more drinks atLas Teresas with Jamon y queso.

Went for a good walk today into Triana, good market, lovely shops, quick beer in a place that gave free gambas - result! then had lunch in E Morales in city centre - espinaches y garbanzos, albondigas, ensalada russ and pimientos y atun with good beers and wines.  Making chicken fajitas in flat tonight

intermission - Belfast

Mentioned going to Belfast last week, did so, good beers, ate in Mourne Seafood Bar, as we went in at 6 on a Saturday in October did not bother making a reservation, only got away with it, as there was a cancellation!  Pints out were good, bit Belfast can be a bit messy, would not like to be pissed there as too many chances for trouble.  MSB was excellent, had 4 or 5 starters, crab claws, stuffed peppers, chowder, mussels, chips all great loved it - now back to Seville

Monday 19 October 2015


Back in Seville for the first time in a few years.  Firstly I've never been here when it is anything but roasting and it has pissed down for the last 3 days and forcast is crap for tomorrow, but....

Really doesn't matter, although I would like to go to Italica (birthplace of Trajan and where Hadrian grew up), we are here for a rest and good cheap wine and tapas.  Only one mediocre glass of wine, all other great, food brilliant. 
Highlights up to now are Bar Las Terasas, been here a few times before, definitely the best Jamon and queso tapas we've ever had.  Taberna Aguilas was great, loved the mini hamburger.  Bar Alfalfa and Bodega also great in Plaza Alfalfa.  Penacultural Betica Puerta de la Carne (Real Betis supporters club) was also good, pork cheeks my favourite.  Went back to Casa Joaquin, a place we always went for a good glass of wine.

Couple of local bars, also good, only had a late tapa, so may review further.  It is a pity about the weather, just come from 2 hours in the Arab Baths so feeling great now.  will make tuna salad for lunch and then go for a walk in the rain ;)

Friday 9 October 2015

Vintage Kitchen

It's almost boring to say how good Vintage Kitchen is (again), booked early July for last night, took a lovely Ramon Bilbao 2012 Crianza.  Quick pint in Mulligans next door then usual warm welcome.

Bread and butter perfect, she had chili prawn risotto, I had pork belly for starters, mains poussin for me, lamb shanks for her.  Every element perfect, not as massive as previous visits, but still huge portions, steak looked excellent as well.  Finished with an espresso, always too much lovely savory food to be able to manage dessert - sigh - maybe one day!

 Making risotto tonight, up to Belfast tomorrow, not been up for a couple of years, probably Mourne Seafood Bar for dinner.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Roast tomato soup and Nepalese

Have a glut of tomatoes, so roast about a kilo with a few small red onions from the allotments, garlic, olive oil, balsamic, thyme, salt and pepper.  About an hour on gas 5.  Picked out the thyme stalks then into blender until smooth, added about 100ml of single cream, seasoned  and had with crusty bread.

Last night went to Sagarmatha Kitchen in Swords last night on a deal, decent glass of house red, dips with popadums seemed home made, I had lovely veg somosas, San had duck sekuwa, very nice both.  For mains lamb ledobedo and lekali (I asked for it hot), one pilau, one plain naan.  All very good, shot of nepalese rum afterwards with the bill.  Definitely worth another visit.

Going out to a 21st tonight, so probably finger food, may have her parents over tomorrow, not sure what the plan is, if not probably roast chicken

Monday 28 September 2015


Cork for weekend, planned on Cafe Gusto, which we love, but closed, not mentioned on website last week, bit of a shame.  Went to Market Lane, really good, I had a wild boar ragu, she had an Asian salmon dish.  Both great, nice wine , finished with a chocolate pot.  Had some good craft beers, through the evening, starting in Franciscan Well, obv!  Meades bar 126 both night, love it, Arthur Maynes, Rising Sun Brewery, Gallagher's pub on MacCurtain Street for a bite to eat and a drink.  Honan chapel to look at the Harry Clarke windows after mass Sunday, and Crawford Gallery - bit quiet new exhibitions on way. 

Sunday 20 September 2015

Clonakilty and cooking

Had a coupler of days work in Clonakilty, West Cork.  Stayed in Fernhill House Hotel, fantastic breakfasts, obviously black and white puddings were excellent (Clonakilty is famous for black pudding), food smelt nice, but didn't eat there, eat in The Copper Pot, excellent monkfish in a salmon butter, had a less memorable burger in a bar the other night.  Pints in De Barra's famous bar and a couple of others.

Last visit to allotment for the year, got a bag of spuds and about 10kg red and white onions, couple of ugly cauliflowers as well.  On way home called into Tesco, to get some short date mince, as I was out of Ragu, they had a couple of (non-free range) chicken for €0.90 each!!!  I would normally only buy free range, not that I give a toss about animal welfare, but because it tastes better, but at that price, as long as I can add flavour (and practise cutting up birds) could not loose.

Made a large amount of Ragu, took the wings off chickens dry rubbed them in coriander, chilli, cumin, salt and pepper and then roasted them.  Took legs off put into yoghurt and spices for a curry, that is cooking now.  Took breasts off, cubed them, made a lovely creamy chicken, mushroom as below.  Used rest of chicken to make a couple of litres of stock.

Creamy chicken and mushroom.

Fry chicken breast cubes, until golden, then reserve, add peeled shallots and small brown mushrooms to pan, brown, then add meat back in.  Pint of freshly made stock, pot of creme fraiche, couple of bay leaves and season.  Cook for about 30 minutes, lovely.  Freeze and will serve with rice or maybe boiled potatoes.

Roasted pork loin, roast potatoes, baby carrots (last from allotment), broccoli and gravy from freezer.  Excellent dinner.  San going out, so might have a bit of ragu, chicken wings or curry, should use the cauliflower, but does look grotty, so not sure....

Friday 4 September 2015

Simly Fosh - Palma

5 course lunch in Simply Fosh in Palma, menu below:

Soup was fantastic, cheese very very good, we both had pork, good, I had serviola (swordfish-y), again good, San had quinoa risotto - stand out dish!  mango with olive oil cake brilliant, San liked the chocolate, but I'm not a fan of really dark chocolate, so didn't.   Bottle of their own label rueda, really excellent, staff great, had a walk then a nice local glass in a pretty hotel courtyard then went to Caxia Forum for a El Greco exhibition.  Pissing down again now, may not get a late drink, good job plenty in apartment....

Wednesday 2 September 2015

More Palma

Gambas a la spaghetti was lovely, marinaded chicken in garlic and lemon overnight.  Had a great glass of wine out late with good tapa in local bar, can't remember what...

Couple of museums today, gorgeous brunch, San had tosada con tomate and I had a montadito of tomato and excellent jamon.  Had a couple of great pintxos in a little bar la 5a puenta.  The AirBnB man recommended 4 bars, 3 have been open and all excellent.

Made chicken fajitas, marinated chicken, peppers, bit of chilli and onion.  Salsa of spring onion tops, tomatoes (seem to be the best toms we've every had anywhere),chilli, salt and olive oil, warmed shop tortillas in oven, had some shop caesar dressing with it, really good, no plans for tomorrow, presume will go for glass later

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Palma de Mallorca

First visit to Balearic Islands, AirBnB in Palma, 2 roof terraces, great air-con, plenty of kitchen equipment, very very steep stairs..!

First thing to get used is they do not do what we think of as tapas.  They do what we call ( from out Andalucian / Madrid experience)  as media racions, so first bar we went in we has tapas of carne (stewed pork) and pulpo pica pica (spicy octopus), lovely but big.  Had tortilla, calamaries and mini muffin de calamari in La Rosa, good wine everywhere.

Yesterday found a few bars that did a free tiny tapa with the drink, few more today, back in the groove.  Had tuna / egg salad in apartment last night, bought gambas for spaghetti tonight, food in Palma seems to ave a huge amount of Italian, don't know whether that is tourism or historic invasions.  Not as busy or as touristy as I expected, very hot, bit of rain, really enjoying it.  Got a Michelin lunch booked for Friday, will be cooking in most of the week

Thursday 27 August 2015


One of the Step-Monsters home for a while, so compulsory visit to Kajjal for an early bird, as they all like it and handy for their dad.  Always packed and always good.  Starters: San had prawns, Cor Tandoori Chicken, Aoife Aloo Tikka (which I usually have) and I had lamb patties, with a lovely vibrant and piquant green sauce, patties maybe a tiny bit salty.

Mains: Aoife had prawn, San Chicken, Cor and I Afghan lamb meatballs, nothing too spicy, plenty of good rice and bread, all enjoyed it.  Girls had a glass of red each, had water, as was driving, as always in Malahide, so never tried their wine list.

Ice cream and rice pudding, 2 of each for dessert, then home for a beer

Majorca on Sunday for a week, can't wait!  Hopefully avoid Brits, Irish etc and get a bit Old Town, Moorish, Roman and Tapas, looking forward to good seafood and have booked a Michelin Lunch for later in the week

Sunday 23 August 2015

Weekend of stews

Weather shite, got onions, carrots and potatoes from allotment yesterday morning, made a Moroccan lamb meatball stew yesterday.

Sauce of onions, peepers, ras el hanout, garlic, once all softened added courgettes and aubergine, tinned tomatoes and chickpeas, pressure cooker for about a hour.  Lamb mince, harisa paster, shallots and breadcrumbs for meatballs, about 40 minutes baked in over, then added into the stew, served with couscous.

Parents-in-Law here today, made a beef curry and beef stroganoff (Angela doesn't like curry). 

Curry, usual lamb curry, but with beef, beef marinaded overnight in yoghurt with garam masala, chilli, garlic and  ginger.  Fried up in pressure cooker with lots of onions and peppers, chicken stock and tinned tomatoes and pasata added, under pressure for an hour, into an oven proof dish to put next course in pressure cooker - beef stroganoff:

Fried off beef and onions, reserved, fried quartered mushrooms, reserved, deglazed pan with chicken stock, added beef, onions, mushrooms back in 45 minutes under pressure then rested.

For starters, had 1/2 a dozen shop bought samosas and bhajis, made mint rathi, tomato and red onion with chilli and mango chutney from jar with shop bought papadums.

Made a simple bombay potato to go with main and some boiled potatoes, taters from allotment.  Plain boiled rice as well.

Finished with standard carrot cakes, they love them and they helped relieve some of the stress on fridge and freezer by taking home the rice, boiled potatoes and stroganoff left overs.  I will have curry tomorrow, San going to the America for the night.

Friday 21 August 2015


Tasting menu in L'Ecrivan last night, couple of pints in Doheny & Nesbitt, classic Dublin pub, fantastic pint, then round to Matt the Thresher. good pint and the seafood smelt fantastic, will defo go there at some point, not been in before and was very impressed, very Southside / upmarket tourist in a good way.  On to L'Ecrivan -  if I remember correctly:

 3 breads, crusty white and brown soda both fantastic, focaccia a bit sweet, lovely soft butter, extra when we ran out.

Amuse Bouche – Baked Mackerel
Salmon 2 ways, potatoes, horseradish under a smoky dome
Lime Sorbet palate cleanser
Fois gras with brioche
Peach crumble
Raspberry preparations
Petit Fours

Bottle of Ramon Bilbao Limited Edition Rioja

Service was brilliant, waiting staff knew what they were serving, bottles of (tap) water kept topped up, maybe a bit quick to fill the wine, as we definitely wouldn't have a second, but hardly a complaint.  Very leisurely,  plenty of time to watch the theater and people at other tables

Fourth or fifth time I've been and not the last

Friday 14 August 2015

Sunny day and making stock

Had a rare sunny day, so jumped on bus out to Skerries, couple of pints in Joe May's, then into Raffs to share chicken wings, fish cakes and baby ribs, 3 good starters, steak on a stone smelt good, so may go back, bus is pretty long, but lovely place on a sunny evening.

Had really lovely grilled salmon darnes with red cabbage coleslaw and a green salad, last night.  May buy a whole salmon tomorrow for a bit of a play.

Doing risotto with chicken on the bone tonight, had no chicken stock in fridge, popped over to JCs, legendary supermarket, they sell chicken carcasses for stock at €1, basically 4 or 5 chick bottoms, obviously they take breasts, wings and legs off, the stock looks excellent, chilled overnight, good thick fat on top, for potatoes, and will use a couple of pints of stock for risotto tonight, have some broad beans from allotment to  go with it and have some good soft chorizo I bought in Madrid a couple of weeks ago.

Monday 10 August 2015

Curry, Naan, beans

So wanted to use the trotter stock, had dried white beans in cupboard,  did a bit of Googling and found out how to soften them much quicker than overnight and a few articles said was better as far as taste and farting goes...

Wash and pick over the beans, into a pan with plenty of water, bring to boil, boil for 1-2 minutes, switch off heat and leave in covered pan for an hour - seemed to work, will let you know if I die.

Diced chorizo offcuts, sweated in pressure cooker, added whole small shallots, garlic cloves, added jellified pork stock, chopped in a couple of tomatoes then cooked under pressure for about 40 minutes.

Lamb curry was good, plenty of veg and a side off Bombay potatoes, I made naan following this recipe  but only 3 rather than 8, worked out well, will do that again

Left overs tonight, San is out, probably going out Friday, nothing planned for the week, as of yet.

Sunday 9 August 2015

More on trotters, a bit of ragu, then curry

So reserved the liquid from cooking pig's feet, got a tiny amount of meat, as the article said, front trotter have nearly no meat, got a tablespoon full from 3 trotters, so made a tiny terrine, with mustard, will try later.  Once the liquid has chilled, got a good couple of tablespoons of pork fat and about a litre of jellified pork stock, frozen half, will use the rest with beans and probably chorizo.

Making 3 or 4 portions of ragu in pressure cooker at the moment and have lamb pieces marinading overnight in yoghurt and garam massala for a curry tonight.  Usually make chappati, but fancy a go at naan, been a bit hit and miss in the past, but will try again.

Saturday 8 August 2015

pizza, pig's feet and roast pork

Pizzas last night, 3/4 "00" flour 1/4 semolina flour, salt in bowl first to keep it away from yeast, then flour, warm water (20-24 degrees, 21 1/2 about perfect, if I remember my time working in a distillery) yeast, sugar stirred in a in glass, on top, dough hook on slow gradually add more liquid, bit by bit and keep kneading until a smooth glossy dough.  Add more flour if too wet.  Cover bowl, leave for a hour.

I made a Tex-Mex beef chilli for pizza, a batch for three servings, use one and freeze other two, so got one out of freezer, with a simple tomato sauce I also had in there.

Oven on full blast, shelves at the top 2 slots, split dough into 2, roll out, then onto over paper disks and leave to rest.  Take mozzarella out of fridge and dry.  Blacken red pepper on the gas ring, put in plastic bag to cool, then peel off skin, core and slice.

Take top stone out of over, put paper and base on it, drizzle on olive oil, table spoon of tomato sauce, chilli mix, some red peppers and sliced mozzarella, into over, take out other stone.  Base the same, one half sliced red onions, good tuna, I bought in Madrid last week and the red peppers and mozzarella, other side jamon (again Madrid), mixed cheese and into oven.

When top one was nearly there, under a hot grill to brown, move other one to top shelf, slice and serve.  Repeat grilling with other, then add washed rocket, from garden onto jamon side.  Slice and server.  All in all very good.

Saw someone using pig's feet and they sell 3 for €2 in JCs, over the road so I got them, currently following this.  Just took them out to cool, will let you know later.

Roast pork tonight, with roast potatoes, I was at the allotment this morning, so home grown peas and carrots.

Just to show what I nerd I am I keep a spreadsheet of the 4 draws in my freezer

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Bank Holiday weekend, took Friday off, so 3 nights in Madrid.  Very early flight and San didn't get back in from Copenhagen until 1am, so 3 hours sleep for her, nap on plane etc.

Obviously Madrid is one of our favourite places, so decided to stay in a new area, near Tribunal, rather than our usual Atocha.  Brand new hotel, all good except wifi was very in and out and it was too hot to sit on balcony, but not hotel's fault.  Staff were lovely.

Only had one meal out in Public, I had pear and duck salad and a lovely blue cheese tagliatelli, San had sopa de maricos and cannelloni, she wasn't  impressed with hers, bit of a  pity, as usually we both have good meals in that chain.  Wine was, as always cheap and good.  The chain that Public is part of are training restaurants always cheap, good wine and reasonable sized meals.

The rest of weekend we had free tapas, loads of beer and wine, best new bar was Bar Avelan on Calle de Sagasta, but found a few other good one, pictures below of bars and food

Secret Garden at top of  Salvador Bachiller shop, is always a must

Monday 27 July 2015

Lamb leg, rhubarb crumble, lamb stock

Had about a 3/4 leg lamb in freezer from SuperQuinn, her parents coming over for dinner, so did that - usual:

Marinaded lamb in ginger, garlic, rosemary, whole grain mustard and soy over night.  Took stewed rhubarb (my allotment grown) out of freezer.

Lamb on mirepoix trivet, gas 6 for about 2 hours, rest for 1/2 hour.  Roast potatoes, boiled carrots and broccoli, gravy - shallots, red wine, English mustard and corn flour paste to thicken, water from potatoes and then carrots, juices from roasting pan, crushed trivet and meat resting.

All-in-all lovely, meat was gorgeous.

Rhubarb crumble
Standard crumble, self raising, butter, brown sugar, added slice almonds and chopped walnuts and pecans.  Rest in fridge.  Made 2 small crumbles, they took the other one home.  Shop bought custard, did OK.


New plan, after some discussions, watching telly and Google, found a new and way better way to clarify the stock.  Instead of whisking egg whites.

Cool stock overnight, skim fat, beat egg whites with hand whisk, add to pan, add 2 crushed egg shells, add cold stock, bring to boil gently, simmer for 20 minutes, strain thick out with strainer, pass through sifter double lined with clean jay cloth - came out crystal clear.

Leftover lamb, potato salad from allotment, tomato and cucumber salad - fine

Sunday 26 July 2015


Made a beef /chorizo burger again, spicy tomato jam, parmesan crisps, slice of beef tomato, lettuce on a toasted bun (bun not great, got to shops late, so bland brown rolls). Had potato wedges, done in garlic oil, saly and chilli flakes.

Spict tomato jam:

Cored and chopped tomatoes, juice of half a lemon, cumin, chilli, brown sugar, cooked low and slow then chilled.  Recipes I read also has cinnamon and fresh ginger, but I didn't this time.

Leg of lamb, roast, veg, gravy etc today, parents-in-law coming.

Friday 24 July 2015

Weatherspoons and Cafe Debran

New Weathspoons in Swords, caled in for a swift pint, very busy only opened on Tuesday, decent IPA, San had a proseco.

Had a 50% off in a new Mediterranean place Cafe Debran, menu looked Greek / Turkish, maybe a bit further Eastern, considering out East Europeans in the village maybe Macedonia, but that's only a guess.

She had Chicken Borek (sort of spring roll), I had fallafel, both good, borek better, fallefel maybe a bit under-seasoned, decent and cheap bottle of Shiraz.
Mains chiili meshwe (lamb a bit tough in a great spicy, tomato, cream sauce) and Izgara lamb (meatballs, rice with lovely char-grilled veg, maybe a bit dry, but that's a tiny quibble, especially as I could dip into San's sauce.  Sides of rice and great spicy potatoes, sort of dry patatas bravos - yum.

Service was really excellent, really pleasant staff, will go back, think Jack and / or Aoife would like it

Thursday 23 July 2015

stuffed pepper

Boiled a gammon last night, made potato salad with spring onions and a green salad for 3, salty gammon went well with potato salad.

While I was making that, boiled basmalti in chicken stock, fried corgettes and red onions in garlic olive oil.  When cooked mixed together and left overnight.  Tonight, chopped fresh tomatoes mixed into rice and veg, cut tops off 2 peppers, cleaned out white membrane.  Stuffed with rice, veg mix, topped with Cheshire cheese, cover with foil, hot oven about 40 minutes, remove foil to brown cheese.

I though OK, San would have wanted peppers cut in half, rather then upright.  Like baked potatoes, will make again when on my own, but not for San or anyone else and may add a few more things.

Monday 20 July 2015

Chicago pt 2

Thursday - Science museum, bit of lunch (more chicken wings) in Elephant & Castle, mezze back in apartment, finish shopping etc

Friday, long walks, then went Haymarket Pub and Brewery for lunch, a good few of their homemade beers, Jack had a couple of odd ciders, bit too odd.  Had a bowl of Smoked Ham Hock Poutine, basically chips and gravy, but great, would be fantastic at kebab O'clcok after a few sherbets.

Last meal in Quartino, was there a few years ago with San and love it.  Started with Truffle Salame and Artichokes Campobasso, then Jack had gnocchi and I had pizza blanco, we both though pizza was best of the four.  Had a lovely 1/2 litre of Sangiovese, Jack finished with Coppa al banana, don't know how he eat more.

Fly home Saturday, bit delayed with a bit of stormy weather on runway, food passable, beef stew, home Sunday morning, bit of a nap, standard roast chicken.

Monday made a stew chicken, carrots, potatoes, onions, chicken stock, not great and carrots undercooked, will do for a couple of lunches.  Salmon darnes out for tomorrow, meal out Friday at new place in Swords...

Thursday 16 July 2015

Chicago pt 1

Just blew in from the Windy city, the windy city is mighty pretty, but they ain't got we we got no siree

I was a scene shifter on "Annie get your gun" back in the day and sadly know most of the words.

So Boy's birthday, 5 ninghts in Chicago, top of the H (Hancock Tower) for lovely and brutally expenive (this is not a cheap week) wine and cocktail, then off to Rocky Bottom brewery for wings and fries, had endless  great IPAs. 

Breakfast in appartment hotel, stodge, but free, lunch in Tilted Kilt, not PC, but calamari and fries were great, Art Institute was, as always, stunning.  Evening meal in Girl and goat -have to say defo in my 5, obviously nothing compares to Tapeo de Cervantes and because of cost, Vintage Kitchen in Dublin is a must, but this was superb, service, food, drinks all great.  Jack has some Pimms cocktail and said best cocktail Evah, we had goat carpaccio, duck tongues, baby squid and wood oven fried pig's face - pics  just fantastic,though battered credit card.

Jack's bf Jack came up from Virginia, had a mezze  cheese, olives, meat, humus, veg etc lunch in appartment, bit of shopping etc, got a great tie myself.  Went to Saigon Sisters for dinner again great, bit pricey, but expect that, Sping rolls both cooked and not (pulled pork), beef Pho, special was a pork noodle salad absolutley top.

Proabably science museum today, San may pop over, if so civilised, if not beer and pizza, Jack want to try proper Chicago Deep, not keen, too stodgy, but when in blah, blah...

Wednesday 8 July 2015


Lamb sausages, Ras el Hanout, peppers, onion, courgette, tinned tomato, chickpeas. Hot oven, sausages for 20 mins, added peppers and onions, then Ras el Hanout (North African Spice Mix), cooked for an hour, added tomatoes, chickpeas more spice, seasoned, another 40 minutes - lovely

Need a new pressure cooker!

Jack should be over Friday, go somewhere nice for dinner, somewhere in village probably Saturday

Tuesday 7 July 2015

No churn ice-cream and tarts

Shop bought (frozen) shortcrust pastry, home made vanilla custard, sliced strawberries from allotment - made strawberry tarts - very yummy

Blended the rest of strawberries, made a simple, double cream, condensed milk (whisked together) and strawberry blend folded in, no-churn ice cream - will know tomorrow whether success.

Yesterday left over roast chicken and green salad, more salmon and cheese egg muffins for tea with green salad and home-made coleslaw today, lamb sausage kind of tagine malarky for tomorrow, not really sure...

Should be eating less to prep for Chicago on Monday!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Another quiet week - and not doing homework!

Salads, leftovers, chilli from freezer, nice evening in The Well for ribs, San had Piri-piri checken salad, lovely as always, went to The Harp for an engagement, finger food, so-so, but great people and good staff.

Standard roast chicken today, stock in pressure cooker at the moment, made a dahl for tomorrow, will do keema curry, mint / cucumber riata, red onion / chili salad etc.

Should be doing Spanish homework last 2 weeks, haven't, feel bad, need to get move on.

Chicago week Monday, starting to prep

Sunday 28 June 2015


Had a winner today.
Made burgers, handful of prok mince, 2 handfuls of beef mince, blitzed inch of chorizo.  Made burgers
Oven roasted tomatoes with thyme, garlic olive oil and balsamic, then blended to make a tomato jam
Tomato, red onion and cucumber saled, last one I made was a bit wet, this one maybe a bit dry.....
Coleslaw, grated carrot and white cabbage in mayonaise.

Starter was chicken wings, dusted in cumin,corriader, salt, pepper and chilli. Had with sour creme, blue cheese and peeled celery.

Pan roast buurger, flipped once then into oven.  While burgers rested, made parmesan crisps.

Assembed toasted buns, tomato jam, burger, parmesan crisp, sliced picked chilli on mine, colseslaw, served with tomato salad.  We loved it

ANU, pride, seagrass and pints

So went into town to see Glorious Madness by ANU, third production we've seen, first was in Henrietta Street about the 1913 Dublin lock out and tenement living, next was PALS about training for and going to Gallipoli in 1915, this one was a teaser for their 1916 programme about the Rising.  As always harrowing, funny in parts, very immersive and well acted, running about Abbey and O'Connell Streets.

Gay Pride was going on all around, which added to the Madness, very noisy and inclusive, including a lot of bandwagon jumping companies and politicos.

Pint of Full Sail in Against the Grain, then as we were walking it started raining do dived into the Village on Camden Street for a quick old school Guinness.

Seagrass, being the sister restaurant of Vintage Kitchen, promised much and too be honest didn't really hit the mark.  We took a Campo Viejo Reserva 2006, as it is also BYO and no corkage, which is always a winner.  I had a vegetable risotto with a big cheese crisp, that was fine, but not really risotto, the veg (beans, broccoli etc) was perfect, San had a fish soup that was really a tomato soup with a few mussels added, with strangely tomato sauce on the side with the bread.
They were out of ham hock, which I'd been told was good, so I went for the cod special, San the chicken supreme in garlic, menu did not seem to suggest it was asian in flavour and she is not a huge fan.  Cod was lovely, skin perfect, not all veg was cooked through.  All in all passable, but we won't be back in a hurry.

Dawson Lounge for a pint on way back to bus, great day.

Planning on burgers today with salads and rolls

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Salad week

Monday:  Left over roast beef with green salad
Tuesday: Grilled salmon - rock salt, drizzle of olive oil skin side up, when starting to crisp, flip over, touch more salt and oil, when just cooked, squirt of lemon juice serve with green salad
Wednesday: Thai fishcakes, recipe as on recipe page, fix mixed smoked / unsmoked from Lidl with green salad

Have a surfeit of basil so made Pesto Genovese, basil, pine nuts, garlic, parmesan, EV olive oil into blender, made three little bags from a plant and froze them

Tomorrow: Chilli from freezer

Sunday 21 June 2015

Curry and Roast

Yesterday, had a visitor, so few pints, got a curry out of freezer - lamb and spinach, made chapattis and rice to go with it.  Started with mint and cucumber raita, red onion, tomato and chilli salad and mango chutney from a jar with half a dozen little popadoms that needed frying, tricky little beggars, kept trying to curl up, so had to turn often.

Roast beef, carrots, potatoes, peas and a  lamb gravy - from freezer today.  Meat in, just about to start the roast patatoes.


Friday 19 June 2015


Great business lunch today from Zinopy / Citrix in L'Ecrivain, as always impeccably organised by Lolly.

Glass of prosecco in bar, private room for presentation and lunch, red was a good chianti, great bread.

I had mushroom tea - poured over a couple of excellent tortellini, main of lamb with magnificent gnocchi and roast parsnips, sides of champ, carrots and chips
 Pre-dessert assiette of raspberries I think and a dessert of dark chocolate millefeuille.

Coffee and petit fours - smoked fudge being the outstanding one, staff as always excellent, have a meal booked next month,can't wait

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Campo Viejo Tapas Trail

Once again with feeling,
5th time in Dublin (plus twice in Cork) Tapas Trail
Salamanca: started with a cava then 2009 Rioja Reserva, goats cheese croquets, toast with pate, padron (fairly hot), chistora and fried quails egg and salmon slider all on a sweet sauce
Zaragoza:  Rioja, goat's cheese in filo with apple sauce, prawn pil-pil and pork cheek albondigas
Baggot Hutton:  Meat and cheese board (brie, smoked, olives, good bread, salami, parma,parmesan, rocket and more) with rioja
Drury Buildings: Dark chocolate slice with hazelnut (?) and a very bitter citrus (maybe something like a kumquat) with rioja

As always a great night, well chaperoned by John with a couple of dozen other people, all seemed to enjoy.  Obv back next year and try a sneaky Galway if we can slide it in this year....

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Merguez Sauage casserole

Bought some merguez sausages last time we were in the English Market in Cork, found a couple in the bottom of freezer.
Roasted them for about 20 minutes, added a couple of chopped onions and peppers and a few cloves of garlic, after about 15 more minutes. Into pressure cooker, added two tins of tomatoes, one of chickpeas, good pinch of salt and some ras el hanout I bought in Dusseldorf market cook for half hour, removed lid to reduce slightly, added half a handful of fresh chopped parsley and stir, chek seasoning.  Serve and add another slack handful of fresh parsley on top.

Tapas Trail in Dublin tomorrow night

Monday 15 June 2015

Fish Lasagna

Oven on high, cut about 1/2 pound tomatoes in half, onto baking tray drizzle with olive oil, bake for about 20 minutes.
Defrost 1/2 bag spinach

sweat diced shallots, garlic in olive oil, add 1/2 bottle of white wine and reduce, blitz, add about 1/2 pint of water bring back to boil, add tub of cream cheese and a little corn flour / mustard flour paste to thicken.  When cooled slightly, add fish (I had a Lidl fish mix, a salmon darne I diced and a tub of cooked prawns - raw would have been better)

Oven gas mark 6.

In an ovenproof dish, sheet of lasagna, layer of spinach, layer of roast tomato, layer of mozzarella, layer of fish in sauce, repeat 2 more layers, ricotta on top.

Brown under hot grill once cooked through, really enjoyed it, some left for 2 lunches.  Left over roast chicken and green salad tonight.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Quiet weekend

Allotment this morning, weeding and watering, got some baby leeks.

Chilli last night from freezer, made a guacamole to go with it:
Buy avocado last week!

mash avocado, add chilli flakes, chopped oven roast tomatoes (made these a month ago and have in olive oil in fridge), chopped scallion, salt, pepper and lime juice - San does not like coriander.

Tortilla chips on plate grate cheese over, in this case a bit of Cheshire I had left, microwave for about 30 seconds, spoon over reheated chilli serve with guacamole, sour cream (but we decided not to use) and chilli pickle for me to give it a kick.

Standard roast chicken today, will make stock tonight or in morning, tomorrow - not sure...

Good week to look forward to, plan on Thai fishcakes one night,  Campo Viejo Tapas Trail for 5th year in Dublin on Wednesday, business lunch in L'Ecrivan Friday, old friend from The Engerland coming over Saturday for pints, cooking for San's family for Father's day on Sunday

Allotment in morning more watering and weeding, might make some fresh pasta or maybe BBQ

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Malahide for San's Birthday, Proseco for her and own brand stout for me in Gibney's, very pleasant.

Off to Bon Apetit for tapas, we had a voucher from Christmas, service excellent, half a dozen tapas, bread and dips, Toulouse sausages, calamari, meatballs, fish croquets and deconstructed cheesecake.  I thought the sausage was best, San the calamari, but too much, both loved the dessert.  Pleasant walk around sunny Malahide then bus home.