Sunday 13 December 2015


Very quiet week, trying to get a bit of space in fridge and freezer for Christmas - about 15 for dinner, 1 maybe 2 veggies, lots of spuds etc.

Had Christmas lunch in Fallon & Byrne on Thursday, excellent Pate, good beef and mushroom pie and even a creme brulee, plenty of Tempranillo, went for a few in the Exchequer afterwards, Cute Hoor and more red, I did not hit the cocktails, but the smokey Old Fashioned was going down great guns.

Made a decent roast chicken for Saturday, parents-in-law here Sunday, made a beef cheek, carrot and pea stew and a chicken thigh, mushroom, cream, garlic and mustard stew.  Served with mash, went down well.  Made a couple of simple pancakes for them as dessert, served with butter, sugar and lemon juice - when you forget to buy any pudding, improvise, improvise, improvise.

This week at work will be uber-shite, bit of roast chicken and beef stew left, so that will do next two days.  Ciara back Wednesday, Excellent, Jack maybe Friday, Aoife Saturday, Mam Monday.  Gonna be busy!

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