Sunday 20 September 2015

Clonakilty and cooking

Had a coupler of days work in Clonakilty, West Cork.  Stayed in Fernhill House Hotel, fantastic breakfasts, obviously black and white puddings were excellent (Clonakilty is famous for black pudding), food smelt nice, but didn't eat there, eat in The Copper Pot, excellent monkfish in a salmon butter, had a less memorable burger in a bar the other night.  Pints in De Barra's famous bar and a couple of others.

Last visit to allotment for the year, got a bag of spuds and about 10kg red and white onions, couple of ugly cauliflowers as well.  On way home called into Tesco, to get some short date mince, as I was out of Ragu, they had a couple of (non-free range) chicken for €0.90 each!!!  I would normally only buy free range, not that I give a toss about animal welfare, but because it tastes better, but at that price, as long as I can add flavour (and practise cutting up birds) could not loose.

Made a large amount of Ragu, took the wings off chickens dry rubbed them in coriander, chilli, cumin, salt and pepper and then roasted them.  Took legs off put into yoghurt and spices for a curry, that is cooking now.  Took breasts off, cubed them, made a lovely creamy chicken, mushroom as below.  Used rest of chicken to make a couple of litres of stock.

Creamy chicken and mushroom.

Fry chicken breast cubes, until golden, then reserve, add peeled shallots and small brown mushrooms to pan, brown, then add meat back in.  Pint of freshly made stock, pot of creme fraiche, couple of bay leaves and season.  Cook for about 30 minutes, lovely.  Freeze and will serve with rice or maybe boiled potatoes.

Roasted pork loin, roast potatoes, baby carrots (last from allotment), broccoli and gravy from freezer.  Excellent dinner.  San going out, so might have a bit of ragu, chicken wings or curry, should use the cauliflower, but does look grotty, so not sure....

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