Sunday 28 June 2015

ANU, pride, seagrass and pints

So went into town to see Glorious Madness by ANU, third production we've seen, first was in Henrietta Street about the 1913 Dublin lock out and tenement living, next was PALS about training for and going to Gallipoli in 1915, this one was a teaser for their 1916 programme about the Rising.  As always harrowing, funny in parts, very immersive and well acted, running about Abbey and O'Connell Streets.

Gay Pride was going on all around, which added to the Madness, very noisy and inclusive, including a lot of bandwagon jumping companies and politicos.

Pint of Full Sail in Against the Grain, then as we were walking it started raining do dived into the Village on Camden Street for a quick old school Guinness.

Seagrass, being the sister restaurant of Vintage Kitchen, promised much and too be honest didn't really hit the mark.  We took a Campo Viejo Reserva 2006, as it is also BYO and no corkage, which is always a winner.  I had a vegetable risotto with a big cheese crisp, that was fine, but not really risotto, the veg (beans, broccoli etc) was perfect, San had a fish soup that was really a tomato soup with a few mussels added, with strangely tomato sauce on the side with the bread.
They were out of ham hock, which I'd been told was good, so I went for the cod special, San the chicken supreme in garlic, menu did not seem to suggest it was asian in flavour and she is not a huge fan.  Cod was lovely, skin perfect, not all veg was cooked through.  All in all passable, but we won't be back in a hurry.

Dawson Lounge for a pint on way back to bus, great day.

Planning on burgers today with salads and rolls

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