Monday 27 April 2015

Roast chicken, allotment and butternut squah & walnut ravioli

Roast chicken, carrots, broccoli, roast potatoes and gravy for Saturday dinner, made stock from the carcase. 

Allotment on Sunday morning, got some more parsnips, rhubarb (I have a plan...) baby leeks (no plan yet)

Cheap butternut squash in SQ, so roasted it with garlic, pureed it, then mixed in a good handful of chopped walnuts into half, froze the other half.  Made fresh pasta (so had egg whites left over), for ravioli, bit hit and miss, pasta was a bit dry, so some split a little when boiling!
roasted tomatoes with olive oil, balsamic, salt pepper and thyme, sweated shallots in butter and olive oil, added some capers, glass of white wine, when that had boiled off, add stock from yesterday's carcase, then roasted tomatoes.  Blended then poured over ravioli, finished with Parmesan.
Apart from the issue with the pasta being a bit cracked, whole thing was a little bit sweet, squash and tomatoes, need to make a less sweet sauce next time

Egg whites: Meringue - whisk until stiff, add castor sugar spoon by spoon(-ish), spoon onto baking paper lined trays into oven on gas mark 1/2 for about an hour, switched over off overnight.  Tested one at 6:30 this morning, not sure that is a balanced breakfast.  I am going to stew the rhubarb with some vanilla sugar I got from Christmas tonight, cut the meringues in half and put the rhubarb in, hopefully it will not dissolve into dust and will be lovely.

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