Sunday 12 April 2015

Cook Books

On flight back to Mordor, Virgin Australia much better food then Etihad on way over , second flight is on Etihad, so ho hum

Cookbooks – I've a mixed attitude to them, because I cook a lot, I'm usually in receipt of one or two for birthday or Christmas, generally they end up in a charity shop later that year…. I tend to skim through them and if I like quite a few I will Post-It note them and keep the book a while

Firstly I love the pictures in cookbooks, one of the reason I've put no pictures in this blog, is I'm rubbish at taking photos and my food is never as pretty. I do occasionally take pictures in restaurants for Facebook, but they are never great!

When I want a recipe, I Google it and browse the first 3 or 4 and blend, so I tend not to use many actual real books.

Exceptions: Comfort and Spice Niamh Shields – just fantastic, so it in a shop in Cork, scanned through it, saw loads of good recipes (I followed her recipe for Blas – bread from Waterford and I'm not great at bread)  my missus bought me it for Christmas.
My first proper cookbook was Delia's complete cookery, used it so much, it eventually got weevils from old flour and it was crawling, so I had to bin it, learnt all the standard techniques and classics from that
On food and cooking – Harold McGee – not really a cookbook, but has helped me learn the why of cooking, not just the how. It can be hard going, but I've learned so much and makes me want to cook loads of ingredients I want to use or use in new ways

 Just getting into bed for a nap to get myself back into IST

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