Wednesday 13 May 2015

Salmon and coleslaw

Cheap salmon darnes in SQ in a BBQ sauce, grilled with coleslaw and another little salad

Grilled salmon, OK, salmon is one of those things like steak, like them, but don't really understand why some people looove them.

Coleslaw (as a child I thought it was cold slaw, bit thick me) grated carrots and white cabbage, shop bought mayo.  Mayo is easy to make, but as a bottle lasts me at least a year, when I make it, even from one or two eggs, it goes off before I've used much, so not worth making.

Other salad - diced spring onion, tomato, EV olive oil, salt, pepper, ripped basil, mix and add cubes of Cheshire cheese

Ragu or chilli from freezer tomorrow, pints Friday, people leaving work, meal out in town Saturday, whole duck Sunday, not sure what we will do with that, probably roast whole, but still thinking....

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