Monday 18 May 2015

Front lounge and Duck

Saturday into town, San had a deal in  The Front Lounge, 6 tapas for €40, so went into town, did some shopping, into Thomas Reads for a couple of pints beforehand, San had a really lovely Rioja, I had a couple of Stella.  Into Front Lounge, I was told years ago it was a pub for the gayers, and as there is a vote on gay marriage this week, the place had a lot of YES stickers, really friendly atmosphere.

The tapas were:
Celeriac soup (maybe a little cool) with Guinness bread
Fish and chips (fantastic batter)
Mussels in creamy white wine sauce
Steak & chips (great) with chicken wings (not spicy enough for me)
Half a pulled pork mini-burger
Chocolate Fondant with ice cream

I had a couple of Cute Hoor pale ales, very nice, San had a drinkable Rioja, but not as good as previous

Sunday, allotment, rhubarb, artichokes, fennel.  Had bought a cheap duck a couple of weeks ago, so defrosted it on Saturday.  Roast on metal trivet (huge amounts of fat).  Followed standard recipe, prick, dry, salt, roast.  Had pea pure, honey glazed carrot batons and boulagere potatoes with a duck breast each.   Just 2 legs left, no meat at all on a bird...   Made loads of stock from the bones and have plent of fat for future roast potatoes, but probably won't do again

Monday visitor round, chilli from freezer with guacamole (also from freezer), bit of coleslaw, chilli pickle, nachos. 

Probably finish duck legs and potatoes  tomorrow

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