Wednesday 11 October 2017

curry and lemon

Saw a lovely looking simple recipe for charred preserved lemon in Irish times Magazine this week, but can't find it online. Made it but haven't tasted it yet.

3 (unwaxed) lemons, mine weren't so had to de-wax them
4 bay leaves
tsp pink peppercorns
tsp salt
tsp coriander seeds

Halve lemons and grill (recipe said do it on proper BBQ grill, but not available.  About 10 minutes on each side, until caramelised - I used blow torch on them to get a bit more colour.

into a clean sterilised kilner jar with all other ingredients for at least three days, so should be OK now, will try at weekend.

Made a thali (mixed Indian small bowls / plates) at weekend

Lamb curry, lentil curry, rice, chapati, red onion / tomato salad, tomato relish, raiti, brinjali pickle (from a jar), chilli pickle, bombay potatoes.

Had a couple of chapatis left, so I filled them with left over lentil curry and have shallow fried, like a savoury pancake -   tomorrow's lunch.

Nothing planned for this weekend, more decorating and think about packing for hols week after

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