Sunday 17 July 2016

Gym, food etc

New job going great, joined a new gym as old one was not near job. Very cost effective, great equipment and half way between bus sop and work. Really enjoying it.

Standard roast beef yesterday, not brilliant, but good enough.  Made salmon, whiting and chive ravioli with a pinot grigo, chicken stock and finely diced vegetable sauce.  Best pasta I've made in ages, made some pesto tagliatelle for lunch with the remainder of the pasta and some frozen pesto I'd made ages ago.


3 eggs
olive oil
'00' flour

Not really measured, just thrown into mixer with dough hook, added flour and water as required, rested for 40 minutes.

Blitzed salmon, whiting and cream cheese in blender added chopped chives from garden.

Made 2 dozen ravioli,  half went into freezer

Fried garlic and shallots, added large glass of pinot grigio, reduced then added chicken stock, very finely diced carrots, celery, peppers reduced further. 
When water came to boil dropped to low simmer and added pasta, then added finely sliced courgettes to sauce.  3 minutes, pasta was cooked - into sauce, added fresh basil and parmesan - very good

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