Tuesday 29 March 2016

Long gap

So obviously this has been dormant for months, no real reason, yes work was busy, but just lazy and unfocused I guess.  So had many good meals out, cooked stuff, quick prĂ©cis then reassessment.

Went to Nerja and Malaga in January, nothing special food-wise, San was not well, so stuck to simple stuff, Madrid for a weekend, similar.  Ate out in Sangamartha Kitchen and Fratelli - both decent.

Bit of a break, San better now and I wasn't cooking much for a few weeks, as I had a sling on!

In Mozambique currently, was in South Africa last week, Maputo bloody expensive, SA not.  Best food in Chez Vincent in Nelspruit, SA, Dhow in Maputo good, mostly decent pub / restaurant / Indian apart from that, staying with San's daughter, who does not really do food, so not a focus here.  Back to Mordor on Monday, loving the heat.

So what next?
I've kind of decided to stop reviewing restaurants, will mention anything good or interesting, but really, I have no skills in reviewing and many are much better than me, I am crap at photos and should probably use TripAdvisor for reviewing, as that is what I use to find places...

I need to make health changes, lots less beer and wine, reduce starch (pasta and potatoes especially) much more vegetables, do not need as much meat and stop with the chocolate.  Although all these will be hard, especially beer and beef, bot could lose a stone or three and with not being on bike or gym due to arm injury, feeling fat and old.  With retirement on the horizon need to get fitter and healthier.

When back from holiday going to try for something like:
No alcohol Monday - Thursday
Vegetarian 2 days a week
Fish at least one day a week
Fruit  / dried fruit only as snacks at work
Proper breakfast - cereal, porridge, fruit etc not fried
Back on bike and gym at least 4 days a week, coming into summer with daylight coming and going from work, so no Winter excuses

This will be tough, it is part of a long list of betterments (Spanish and a different job other priorities I am not hitting), but have about two years left or should give up and die - cheery sod!

One night out in Dun Laoghaire next month, then Malaga in June planned, so they should be markers for how I am (or not) getting on with changes, I might do some more updates if I start cooking a bit more veggie, as it will be new for me  - I don't want to just make the usual without meat or "substitute" I want something I like or it won't be worth it

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