Monday 5 June 2017

Back in Dublin

Of all the lovely food I had in Catania the standout was the sardina a beccafico in the Sicilian Fish Lab - fresh sardines stuffed with a breadcrumb, pine nut, capers and maybe raisin, crumbed and deep fried.

Home late, weather rubbish, cool and raining, greenhouse plants stayed wet enough, took triffid like tomatoes out of green house and pruned them, changed the bamboo sticks.  Hopefully the won't get as drowned as last year, but too big to stay in greenhouse.  Courgette plants doing OK, herbs fantastic, raspberries and onions only starting.  Might plant some garlic today, got some cloves over from Sicily

At a family birthday yesterday, pub platters, not my sort of thing, but OK, homemade cakes, very good, but sweeeeet.  I was asked by a niece about cooking, so I was going to dredge up my recipe book I'd done for step-monster years ago.  Looking at it I should really update it.  But not today.

Make some lunches for week and a roast chicken tonight - all back to normal

2 months until next holiday - got to set something up in between.  Lots on the next couple of weeks, some good food out planned

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