Saturday 29 August 2020



Finally bought a banneton from Kells, they had round rectangular ones out of stock for months and got square ones in this week, so got one of each size, first loaf, not bad.  Had some with lovely mermelade sent by Gabriel from Tapas de Cervantes.

Continuing on a Spanish theme, a bean and chorizo dish, with really disappoinlty rubbish hake, which I love, but won't buy from a supermarket again

Biryani, cauliflower curry and raita with roasted chicken

Off to Shouk tonight, looking forward to it, except driving, as it's an excellent BYOB, but Covid means no buses for us :(

Friday 14 August 2020

Couple of good meals out and a bit more in the kitchen

Went to  Kin Khao in Athlone and Rasam in Dun Laoghaire, both great, while it's not great, not going for a pint before a meal out, both places did COVID really well, very welcoming and food was fantastic.


Spring rolls and beer from Kin Khao above 

As the kids were here I made chicken nuggets and chips:

Went down a treat and adults were happy as well.

Going to Osteria Lucio tomorrow, looking forward to it, I've not been, she's been once and liked it, I used to cycle past it every night, when I was last working in town , so it's been on my lst for a long time.